Commercial & Investment Division (CID) Membership

The Hudson Gateway Association of REALTORS® offers membership in our Commercial & Investment Division to individuals and firms involved in the commercial real estate business. This includes brokers and salespersons, owners, managers, developers, lenders, attorneys, and others involved with any aspect of commercial property ownership, management, sale, leasing and exchange transactions.

Mission: To enable commercial practitioners to thrive via superior insight, education, and networking.

Individual CID Membership

Annual Dues: $99

Apply Now

$49.50 after July 1st

Benefits of CID Membership

  • Breakfast Roundtable Meetings, Women in Commercial Real Estate Series and Events. Meet and mingle with some of the Hudson Valley’s top newsmakers, including government officials, economic development professionals, high-powered brokers and owners, investors, and developers. Registration fee for attendance to roundtable meetings and events included in CID membership.
  • E-Communications. You’ll receive weekly E-communications on upcoming CID events as well as all other REALTOR® events.
  • Newspaper Subscriptions. You’ll receive a digital subscription to our award-winning, newspaper, Real Estate In-Depth |, offering comprehensive coverage of local and regional real estate industry news. Build your network by sharing articles with your business and social connections.
  • Moderated Equity Marketing Sessions. To be scheduled both live and online, with Cash Boards and Quick Pitches for not yet listed properties.
  • Website Directory. Your name, firm, and contact information will be listed in the CID Directory on
  • National Enrollment. If you are a REALTOR® member of HGAR, you’ll also receive automatic enrollment in the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance of the National Association of REALTORS®. The Alliance provides a newsletter, conferences, and other supporting services for the commercial industry.

Commercial & Investment Division Leadership

Don Minichino
Don Minichino
CID President
Steve Saljanin
Steve Saljanin
CID Vice-Chair

CID Partners

Commercial Classes
and Training

Upcoming commercial real estate continuing education classes.

In-Person/Virtual On Demand

Includes commercial specific content for the commercial practitioner.

Learn More

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Realtors Property Source® (RPR) tutorials, webinars and printable guides for commercial practitioners.

Learn More
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