Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

HGAR is committed to creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive professional community in which all members are empowered to learn, thrive, and work as agents for change. We commit to diversifying our membership, creating a deeply diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization for REALTORS®, and embedding inclusive practices in the ways we work and learn with one another.

Everyone is welcome to apply to serve on the DEI Steering Committee or At-large Open Committee.

DEI Committee Application

DEI Steering Committee

Tiffany French, Chair, (2025)

Anika Hall, Vice Chair (2026)

Lisa Graziano
Carol Yeung


Karen Dietrich

Crystal Hawkins-Syska

Marianne Lepore

DEI At-Large Open Committee

The At-Large Committee will be open to ALL HGAR members on a quarterly basis for an update on strategy, initiative updates, and opportunities for feedback. The dates for the meetings are as follows:

Coming soon

For more information, please contact Freddy Garcia, HGAR Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Officer, Staff Liaison, DEI Committee

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