RPAC and What it has Done for You

HGAR participates actively in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC). The Realtors® Political Action Committee makes legislative advocacy possible. Formed in 1969, RPAC works to elect pro-Realtor® candidates at the local, state and federal levels. RPAC is supported by voluntary contributions from Realtors® across the nation. RPAC is committed to supporting candidates and issues important to your profession and your livelihood.

HGAR is proud to support RPAC, because our mission is to protect and serve homebuyers and sellers.

RPAC Mission Statement

RPAC’s mission is to protect and preserve property ownership rights to the benefit of all citizens throughout the United States.

RPAC Purpose

The purpose of RPAC is clear: REALTORS® raise and spend money to elect candidates who understand and support their interests. The money to accomplish this comes from voluntary contributions made by REALTORS® RPAC works to overturn laws that hurt property owners. RPAC only supports lawmakers who vote to help the hard-working people of this nation.

“RPAC supports federal candidates, I’m more interested in State and Local candidates.”
Response: Only 30% of your contribution goes to support candidates at the national level. The other 70% stays in the state for use in supporting candidates here at home. Up to 25% of every dollar collected is returned to the local board for use in the LRS program. By contributing to RPAC, you can help support candidates at all levels of government.

Here is what RPAC has done for you:

  • Fought for a study to enact a First-time Home Buyer Savings Account (NY First Home) in New York State
  • Through RPAC, HGAR fought for STAR savings for New York State’s homeowners, a two percent tax cap, lower closing costs, and limits on flood-insurance rate increases
  • RPAC defeated a proposal requiring a 20 percent down payment on a home purchase
  • RPAC fought and won a co-op transparency law in Westchester County
  • RPAC fought and won an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program without which closings on many homes would not have happened
  • Fought for reinstatement of the SALT deduction to keep New York affordable

For the first time in 2020 RPAC won:

  • Pandemic unemployment insurance for Realtors which has never happened before.
  • We stopped a "Good Cause" eviction bill that would have prevented landlords from being able to raise rents to keep up with inflation and would have taken right of landlords to set the terms of their lease away from them.
  • We stopped an independent contractor status bill, that would have made Realtors employees instead of independent contractors which would have devastating impacts on the real estate profession.
  • We also stopped a tax on Pied-a-terre homes, that would have added an additional property tax on homes in New York City.

These are meaningful accomplishments that have a profound effect on homebuyers and sellers in the Hudson Valley and New York State

RPAC protects the real estate industry and for the public’s ability to own and maintain a home. HGAR and RPAC work every day to keep the American Dream of home ownership alive and well. It’s an insurance policy for you — and your clients.

50 Years of RPAC, 1969 - 2019

More Political Advocacy

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