Market Stats

Hudson Valley and the Bronx market stats you can trust.

For the most precise real estate sales data in the Hudson Valley and the Bronx, look no further. Our stats are based on the real-time, accurate information in the OneKey MLS® and are published monthly and quarterly. Find out about sales trends, days on market, and other important facts. If you're a member of the media, and would like more information or you would like to schedule an interview with HGAR's real estate experts, please contact Mary Prenon by email or by calling (914) 681-0833.

Bronx, Westchester, and Putnam Counties

Median Sale Price (Single Family Residential, Condo and Co-op)

Number of Closed Sales (Single Family Residential, Condo and Co-op)

Median Sale Price (Single Family Residential)

Number of Closed Sales (Single Family Residential)

Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan Counties

Median Sale Price (Single Family Residential, Condo and Co-op)

Number of Closed Sales (Single Family Residential, Condo and Co-op)

Median Sale Price (Single Family Residential)

Number of Closed Sales (Single Family Residential)

Market Statistics (PDF downloads)

Learn more about NAR’s research and statistics HERE.

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